Oral Health Care for Rural Poor Communities of Cambodia

This project was initiated in 2001 in Kien Svay district, Kandal province following a donation of dental supplies and instruments by Dr.Callum Duward from New Zealand. KAD began a very small dental project involving the local communities and schools. In 2003, the project received financial support from Latter-Day Saint Charities and the Direct Aid Programme of the Australian Embassy in Phnom Penh to fund dental supplies, instruments, equipment and a clinical building in Kien Svay district. The Kien Svay dental clinic provided the people from various rural areas of Cambodia with dental services, including consultation and examination, extraction, filling, scaling, endo, surgery etc. The project objectives are to improve the health of people living in remote areas of Cambodia through the provision of dental services, and to reduce the expense of dental treatment, resulting in a reduction in poverty. The goal is to improve the health of people living in remote areas of Cambodia. To date, several thousands of dental patients, including women, men, children and adults have received dental treatment at the Kien Svay dental clinic. Apart from provision of dental services, KAD also provides oral health education and dental screening to primary school children. Several thousands of children (both girls and boys) have received oral health education from the project.

The results achieved and the impacts of the project are as follows:
• Several thousands of the rural people have obtained access to good quality dental services free of charge or at very low cost;
• The clinic allows these rural people to avoid dangerous dental services provided by unqualified dental practitioners;
• A reduction in the time and expense of seeking dental treatment that would otherwise be necessary, allowing rural people to use money for other purposes;
• After treatment, the patients have no more dental pain, allowing them to eat, work and sleep very well, which contributes to a productive, sustainable economy